Orphaned Baby Kangaroo Finds Comfort in Teddy Bear Friend susu

It might sound surprising, but research indicates that friendships can significantly impact our health and well-being. This holds true not just for humans but also for animals. Even a stuffed animal can offer comfort and support, helping its owner navigate challenges and deserve appreciation.

Meet Doodlebug, an orphaned baby kangaroo from the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia. He is lovingly cared for by wildlife rehabilitator Gillian Abbott and her son Tim Beshara, who is an advisor to Greens senator for Tasmania, Peter Whish-Wilson. They have been nurturing Doodlebug since he was found orphaned in the wild.

Source: Twitter

Doodlebug, an Eastern grey kangaroo, won hearts worldwide when photos of him hugging a teddy bear were shared by Tim Beshara on Twitter. Despite the mix-up in species, the images of this orphaned kangaroo underscore the comfort a simple hug can provide.

“He might have fallen from his mother’s pouch or she might have passed away,” Beshara told the Daily Mail. “When he was a few months old, he was handed over to my mother’s wildlife rescue organization, WIRES. She has since helped him recover, and now he’s hopping around the forest while still returning for occasional feedings and cuddles, as shown in the photos.”

Source: Twitter

Even though Doodlebug has grown big and healthy enough to return to the wild, he’s not quite ready to face it alone without some support from Gillian Abbott and her team. Abbott believes that, much like human babies, Doodlebug needs a comforting presence to help him transition. That’s why she provided him with a soft teddy bear to snuggle with.

“They react to it similarly to how toddlers do. They see it as a companion,” Abbott explains.

Having lost both his mother and his home, it’s no surprise that Doodlebug finds solace in hugging his cherished teddy bear. With this support, he’s on his way to a full recovery and will soon be ready to return to his natural habitat.

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