When your best friend lives next door but you still need that daily hug – susu

Meet Messy and his owner, Oranit Kittragul, who live in Thailand. Across the street lives Audi, a Husky who often feels a bit lonely and anxious when his owner is at work all day.

To cheer him up, Messy will bark to comfort Audi, and it always seems to help.

One day, Audi’s owner accidentally left the gate open when heading to work, giving Audi the chance to run over and visit Messy. Oranit witnessed the two friends greeting each other with a big hug and captured the sweet moment in a photo to share online.

This was the first time the two best friends met face-to-face, and their connection was as deep as if they had known each other their whole lives.

Audi was a good boy and knew that he was not supposed to stay out of his yard for a long time. So as soon as he said hi to his friend, he ran back to his place.

Aren’t they the cutest? We hope that their friendship will thrive in the future.

Image Credit & More Info: Oranit Kittragul

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